FDOT District Two implements the ITS initiative through the application of electronics and roadway devices to enhance roadway safety, monitor and manage the flow of traffic, reduce congestion, provide alternate routes to travelers, enhance productivity, and improve the overall transportation infrastructure. These safety initiatives are achieved through strategically placed ITS devices along all 385 centerline miles of Interstates within District Two which are managed by operators at the RTMC. These devices include Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) cameras, Dynamic Message Signs (DMS), Vehicle Detection Sensors (VDS), Roadside Weather Information Stations (RWIS), TPAS (Truck Parking Availability System), WWD (Wrong Way Driver) devices and communications equipment utilized by the North Florida Regional Transportation Management Center (RTMC).
Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) is an initiative that utilizes advanced electronic technologies and roadway devices that gather real-time traffic data to enhance safety and manage traffic operations.
The Florida Statewide RTMC Operations Software, SunGuide®, is used to gather the data from the ITS Network and send it to the RTMC. Traffic operators housed at the RTMC use this information to detect traffic incidents, congestion, severe weather, lane blockages, etc. With this information, they can analyze the event to ensure the proper incident management resource is dispatched.
Closed-Circuit Television
- The North Florida Regional Transportation Management Center (RTMC) uses Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) cameras to actively monitor traffic and roadway conditions in real-time. There are over 900 CCTV cameras strategically placed along various roadways within District Two.
- CCTV cameras are an essential resource when it comes to Incident Management productivity, as they are usually the first to detect a traffic incident occurrence.
- Definition: Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) cameras are used by traffic operators to monitor traffic in real-time from the RTMC.
Dynamic Message Signs
- There are over 160 Dynamic Message Signs (DMS) deployed throughout District Two. Traffic operators at the North Florida Regional Transportation Management Center (RTMC) publish messages on these signs to keep drivers aware of traffic conditions. In partnership with several agencies, the RTMC coordinates messages to display travel times, road blockages, construction activity, public safety service announcements, and more.
- Definition: Dynamic Message Signs (DMS) are overhead electronic illuminated signs that allow traffic operators to display messages that alert motorists about roadway conditions.
Microwave Vehicle Detection Sensors
- Microwave Vehicle Detection Sensors (MVDS) are used to gather real-time traffic data such as vehicle presence, volume, speed, and occupancy on roadways. The data gathered by the VDS is sent to the RTMC via the SunGuide® Software System, this informs operators of any incidents, congestion, slow speeds, etc.
- Definition: MVDS are a Radar-based object-detection system which uses radio waves to determine the range, direction, size and speed of vehicles. The radar antenna transmits pulses of radio waves which bounce off any vehicles in their path. The vehicle returns a small part of the wave’s energy to the receiver antenna located at the same site as the transmitter providing a measurement of the speed of the vehicle. Traffic radar calculates speed from the reflections it receives. It uses a phenomenon of physics known as the Doppler principle.